Don't blink. Just run.

Where training meets fandom. And everything in between.

Face The Music Friday #27

No fitness this week. Last weekend, I felt a scratchiness in my throat starting Friday night. We spent the weekend in MA for Julie’s birthday and it got progressively worse to where congestion starting creeping in. I kept it at bay while we were there, but then Sunday started the fever and chills and I knew I was done for. I went to work Monday morning, stayed until 1:00 and then needed to go home because I would have just been useless. I stayed home Tuesday for more rest and, ideally, could have used one more day at home, but went back to work on Wednesday. Today is the first day I’ve felt somewhat human since last Saturday, so that’s nice.


Classic SNL!



I thought I got lucky, but with SO many people sick in my department, workplace in general and families we know, I knew I couldn’t get through the whole winter! I also said something to someone in a comment on their blog about it last week and totally jinxed myself.



I’m concerned about my fitness level because of the last two weeks, but there is nothing I can do about it now. I have a 5K race tomorrow and am hoping that I’ll feel well enough in the morning to run it. The weather shows 70% rain (which will suck in March) but maybe it will skip just one hour in the morning so I don’t have to get soaked.

In other race news, I found out a couple of days ago via a random email that the Cox Rhode Races changed the date of the 5K race I was running. It was scheduled for 5/3, which is a Saturday. The email said “exciting changes” and when I read it, it said they moved it from Roger Williams Park to the “main” race area near India Point Park in Providence so we could be a part of the “festivities” and more a part of the main race. While I appreciate that, I signed up to run on Saturday, not Sunday. I was fine running on Saturday and then volunteering for the half and full marathons with my running club on Sunday, but I can’t do both at the same time. The racing company was kind enough to offer me a refund (among other options), which I think I will probably take so I can still volunteer with my group. I can use it for another race entry later this year when I need to sign up for more. I haven’t 100% decided, but that’s basically where I stand for now.

For my song choice this week, this is a newer favorite. I heard it for the first time a couple of weeks ago on the local alternative radio station I listen to and love it. I didn’t even realize, until I saw the video, that I was rocking out to an accordion! This will definitely be added to my running playlist.

Kongos – Come With Me Now









The Great Flood Of 2010

I briefly mentioned in my guest room makeover post that we had re-done our finished basement after the “Great Flood of 2010”. We’re coming up on the fourth anniversary of that awful chapter in our lives and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a little nervous with the snow melt and rain every spring.

It was late March 2010 that it happened. We’d only been in our house, our very first, for about a year and a half. There was record rainfall and snow melt that year. While we’re not technically in a flood zone, that didn’t seem to matter. The next town over was under a warning that the dam might burst, which in turn would have knocked out our town dam.

When it finally happened, Tara had come home from work early and saw the water was up to our bottom step. She called me at work to let me know and, of course, I freaked out. I was home shortly after that and we started immediately going into “what do we do” mode.



Tara’s boss came up and brought his wet/dry vac. We then were able to borrow a sump pump and some PVC pipe from one of Tara’s friends to start getting the water out. Tara’s boss and the two of us started pumping right away and were at it until close to midnight. It was freezing cold water because A) it was March in New England and B) the furnace was out because of the water. The oil company wouldn’t come out to fix the furnace until the water was completely removed from the basement because it was a safety hazard. This meant wearing socks and water shoes to try to keep our feet warm while we were working.

We got up the next morning to get back to it (minus Tara’s boss) and were making some progress until we had a knock at the door. It was the National Guard going door to door telling us we needed to evacuate due to the issue with the dams. Tara’s bosses were SO generous, letting us stay with them and even bring our cat, Boomer, with us even though one of them was allergic to cats! We had to stay there for two days and were finally told we could go home.

We finally got the water out and then the work really began – we needed to knock out the bottom half of the walls where it could have gotten moldy. If you ever want to learn how to fix your house, there is nothing like an emergency to make you quite knowledgable! We were so lucky that Tara’s boss is such a handy guy because he helped us do all the work ourselves.



Once we had gotten all the water out and were working on tearing the walls down, we finally had the oil company come out to repair the furnace. Of course, this didn’t fall under our plan that covered repairs because it was an act of nature. This meant we were out $1100 for them to repair it and get us heat and hot water again! That was a rude awakening. We were lucky though – we were able to get funds from FEMA and a little bit from our insurance to help cover repairs. If we hadn’t done the work ourselves, it wouldn’t have covered it all, but like I said, we got lucky in many ways.



Those rolls were the flooring we decided to install. The basement previously had awful blue carpeting (that was NOT fun to rip out, btw) to go with those half painted red walls. We knew we definitely didn’t want carpeting in case we ever flooded again. Where I worked, we sold athletic equipment and this included rubber gym flooring. I used my awesome discount, we measured out the basement and there we had it. It was definitely a good choice because we get water every so often now.



Here are some other pics and articles about it:






Face The Music Friday #26

Fitness this week:

Saturday – Special class at Unleashed

Sunday – 4.5 mile/1 hour Run

Rest of the week: Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

I’ve taken a lot of ibuprofen over the last week and, other than my chiro-advised stretching and rolling, I’ve just completely rested. It wasn’t until about Wednesday that I was even able to move without moaning (whether actually out loud or not). My hip is still fairly sore, but much, much better than early in the week.





I’m going to attempt my run on Sunday and see how it feels. From there, I plan on bringing back the strength training at least and going to my weekly class at Unleashed on Thursday night. I can’t even begin to describe the frustration level I’m at right now. I know it’s affecting my mood and my depression is rearing it’s ugly head more often than I’d like.

This weekend, I’m hoping to enjoy myself and have lots of fun. We’re heading up to MA tonight to spend the weekend with Julie and Dan for an early birthday celebration for Julie. April 1st is the actual day, but we won’t be able to see them next weekend. I think we’re going to head in to the aquarium in Boston, but other than that we don’t really have tangible plans. We generally wing it when we get together. I’m hoping it helps take my mind off this training B.S.

Before I get to this week’s song, I wanted to share a fun article Tara wrote on her blog: You *might* be married to a runner if…

And now for my song of the week – a nice angry selection to match my mood right now – Bodies by Drowning Pool.












Spahtens Unleashed

As you now know, last Saturday was New England Spahtens day at Unleashed. They put on a special 3-hour session for members of the group, and even opened it to the public. You know I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to meet members of the group I had recently joined, so I made sure I was prepped and ready to go. I was a little anxious about meeting new people, but Tara gave me an awesome card that made me feel a little better.



It was scheduled from 1:30-4:30, so I planned on getting there early to take some pics before it crowded. I ended up getting there just after 1:00 and there was already a line out the door of people signing in! I think close to 60 people showed up and the place was packed. The first 2 hours of the session were going to be like a regular OCF class and then an hour of “play” time to practice any obstacles we wanted. Before it kicked off, Kevin was busy setting up each station, so they opened up the swap table for people to grab any items people had brought in that they didn’t want/need or to donate some items that they don’t use anymore. There was a good amount of stuff donated, but nothing I was really interested in that day.



Prior to getting the class going, Kevin gathered us all up to explain the stations he had set up and told us to split into teams of 3 people. I joined up with the two that happened to be standing next to me while he was going over instructions, Sylvia and Scott. I got really lucky, too. I couldn’t have asked for better teammates.



Closer to 2:00, we started our warm-up. Kevin yelled out to follow him and out the door we went! It was a decent day weather-wise (highs in the low 50s I think) so it was the first time I’d ventured outside as part of his class. We ran down and out of the gym parking lot to a small park around the corner, over some walls and a picnic table and then down to a small basketball court where we did 1 minute of burpees. After that, we climbed back up the wall/rocks and ran back to the gym.

We lined up at the door and were assigned stations by team. I have no idea what some of the obstacles are “officially” called, so I’ll give you a basic description of the horror. I also might not go in the exact order we did them, but basically it’s as close as I can remember of an order. I also didn’t start taking pictures until almost halfway through.

Our first obstacle was going to be the tall wall w/ rope. It’s a 10 ft high wooden wall with a rope draped over it that you use to climb up to the top and over. No big deal, right? My progress has gotten better on this particular obstacle. When I first started, I couldn’t put both feet up on the wall so I modified and basically hung there as long as I could to increase my grip strength. Now I can get both feet up for a few seconds before I slip back down.

Next up, one of my personal faves was the tire flip. Pretty self explanatory. Since they had 3 tires of varying sizes, we all swapped here and there. Oddly enough, I thought the biggest tire was slightly lighter than the smaller one, but that could be my imagination. I absolutely love doing the flips and wish we did them in our regular class more.



After my beloved tire was the kettlebell hoist. Basically all the hoist is a battle rope tied around a kettlebell handle that we lift up to the top of the monkey bar cage and then lower it back down. I can do the smallest and middle size now, but still can’t lift the big boy (which I think is 70 lb). One of the guys there was telling us that the big boy is the weight the ladies lift at a Spartan Race, but it’s easier because at the race it’s on a pulley. Hopefully this is true, otherwise I’ll be doing some punishment burpees!

Next up, muscle ups on the rings. This, for me, is a joke. I can’t even get up and stay in a muscle up position. I get up on the padded mat (which even gives me a height advantage) and give a slight jump to boost myself up, but then my arms/chest can’t handle the weight and I can’t stay up. I tried not jumping, too, because they suggested it might be easier, but couldn’t do it at all that way. Definitely something I need to work on much, much more. This would probably help with my wall climbing once I get it down.

Back to my “monkey ropes”. I don’t know what these are technically called, maybe traverse ropes. If you know, feel free to comment! Basically, you hang upside down from them and work your way from one side to the other. I made a little progress on this obstacle as well. I usually just hang because I don’t have the grip to move one hand over the other, but this time I think I actually moved a couple of feet!


I found this pic online – this is what I’m talking about


From this we moved right into monkey bars, where I made the slightest progress as well. Instead of doing a one arm, one rung strategy, one of the spotters suggested that I move one bar, two hands at a time. So basically, grab a rung and then move my second hand to that same rung and reset before reaching for the next bar. This was much easier and I can see myself getting better at this now that I know this technique works better. Then maybe I won’t throw my shoulder out anymore!

On to the rope climb, which I still can’t do, so I did my modification which is just to lower myself down as flat as possible and then pull myself back up, over and over. Boring. Someday I will own that rope. They will have to rename it the Courtney Rope because I will dominate it.

Another difficult one for me was up after that, which is the ladder climb. They recently just replaced the ladder with a thinner, more stable rope as opposed to the yellow rope ladder they used to have hanging there. Either way, they swing too much for my liking and it scares me. I usually go up 1-2 steps, hang there and come back down. I just don’t feel safe on that sucker.



From there was a new obstacle I was VERY excited to try out that they just built the week before – the traverse wall! It was SO much fun. I wasn’t very good at it, but I liked doing it. Apparently I cheated though, because they said in a race you’re not allowed to grab the top of the wall to help yourself along, which I did probably half a dozen times. I think I’ll like playing on that one next time.



Another new item was up next, also built last week – the wall climb. There were 3 variations, but I only did the straight up version which was basically 2×4’s bolted to the wall. They also had one that reminded me of American Ninja Warrior where you use pegs to climb and then the third was basically using a sideways pinch grip, which even Kevin had trouble with and he’s part monkey!



A new fresh hell was introduced after this – the outdoor sled. This is basically the same idea as the indoor sleds, except we were pushing it on the asphalt parking lot and it had no slide to it. Soooo much harder than on the turf inside. To give you a comparison, inside on the turf, I can push the sled loaded with 4 x 45 lb plates for a total of somewhere around 250 lb (when you include sled weight). The outside sled only had 2 x 35 lb plates on it and we couldn’t budge it! We had to take 1 plate off and it was still really tough!



From there, we came back inside for another new to me obstacle – the “barbed wire” course. Kevin basically took all the kickboxing bags, lined them up in rows of two and strung rope around the bottoms. We then had to crawl under, or in my case I rolled under, the length of the ropes (maybe 20 feet or so).



If you survived the “barbed wire”, you moved on to a special hell called sand bags. We had to alternate between lifting/flipping/squatting them and lifting/flipping/overhead pressing them. Tons o’ fun.

One of my other favorites awaited me next which is the plyoboxes. You basically just have to run and jump over them however you can. This is where I think I got this fresh scrape on my shin. That tends to happen when I lift my left leg (which is my follow leg) up after jumping up because I think I scrape it along the velcro that holds the various size plyoboxes together. No matter though because I have so much fun crawling over them.



My punishment for enjoying the plyoboxes too much was that my next obstacle was the TRX. OK, so maybe it was just next in the rotation, but it felt like punishment. At this point of the rotation, I was hurting. For this item, we had to rotate around 4 exercises for the entire time we were at this location: hop squats, alternating jump lunges, rows and push-ups.



Moving on, we had one sled we had to pull with the battle rope, then pull it back to the start by the “dog bone”. After that, we dragged the body bags down forwards one way and backwards on the way back. And lastly on the turf was the other sled, where we had to push it with high bars in one direction and back in the other direction by the low bars.



And lastly, my nemesis – the wooden wall. We had to try to get over both the 6ft and 8ft walls. I still can’t get over the 6ft, so I would try and then roll under it as instructed. I’m getting slightly higher, but not enough yet that I can swing my leg up.



After we finished our circuit, it was “play” time. Some people started practicing other obstacles, but I was toasted after 2 straight hours of amazingness. I chatted with Scott and Sylvia for a few and then looked outside and forgot all about the new spear throwing station they just got! I hopped on over to watch and then jumped in a few times to try my hand at throwing the spear. I think I threw 3 times, and never once reached the hay bales, but I blame the wind. I will say, not a lot of people made it to the hay bales and I think I only saw one person actually stick the spear.



All in all I think they put on a FANTASTIC class for everybody and I loved meeting so many new people. Unleashed is like the ultimate adult playground!








Sunday Runday

After my 2 hours of hell at Unleashed on Saturday (full post to come on that soon), I wasn’t sure I would live, never mind get my long(ish) run in on Sunday. I didn’t get out of bed until almost 11 am on Sunday and even then didn’t really want to get up.

Tara surprised me with a lovely little depression-era cake for breakfast with a little heart of powdered sugar that she served to me in the bath that she ran me. Yes, I’m a little spoiled. OK, a LOT spoiled.




I started to feel a little more human after that. Tara had asked me if I would put her through what I go through working out, to which I replied that we have no obstacles, but she really meant more of a general workout, like we use to warm-up at obstacle class. Since I didn’t want to kill my wife, I decided to just give her a general warm-up, then have her do the Nerd Fitness beginner bodyweight routine that I’ve used in the past and then some light stretching to cool down. She did well, but I don’t think she’ll ever ask me to do that to her again!

After that, we sat for a bit catching up on a couple of shows on the DVR and checking email. I told her if I felt well enough, I wanted to go out for my run. We ended up getting ready and headed out the door around 2pm. My training schedule called for 1 hour so I set my Garmin for 4/2 intervals and ended up finishing 4.5 miles in that time. I only just found out that my Garmin could do that earlier in the week by reading someone else’s blog post – very exciting stuff!



Tara walked the track (with a few runs thrown in!) almost the entire time I did and it was nice to have company. I also experimented with Shot Bloks that I had bought on sale on our trip to REI a few weeks ago. I think they helped, considering I hadn’t had lunch before we left. I’d jaunt off the track to the bleachers during a walk break, grab some water and one of those puppies and off I went.



I think I did OK, but my body is paying for it even more today. I didn’t treat it very well this weekend and my hip is killing me. My chiro advised me tonight she thinks I need to take a break. She said they’re basically “managing my pain” instead of getting my body to the level of the workouts I’m doing. It was very disheartening to hear and I really have to think about it. I think I’ll not put in my two short runs this week and rest until my long(ish) run on Sunday again and I’ll make sure I do my stretches EVERY day, not just every other, even if I’m tired. My body just needs to really catch up with my heart.

Keep your eyes peeled for the Unleashed review that’s coming. You’ll definitely want to see this mofo in action!








Guest Room Makeover

We’ve lived in our house for about 5 1/2 years now and there was only one room we had never repainted in that time. We did almost the whole upper floor of our house, and unfortunately the finished basement after the “Great Flood of 2010” (post on that to come soon), but we had never done the guest room.

Tara randomly decided that she wanted to do this room over February vacation, which she would have off work. I thought it would be nice to finally have it done, so in the span of a few days we picked out the paint, bought it and got the room prepped.

I’m really helpful. The only part I did was spackle and sand the walls. Tara washed, taped and painted everything herself while I was at work each day. She even took the opportunity to sand and paint the dresser and nightstand we have in that room. We don’t yet have anything to decorate yet, but we bought a small sample of paint that Tara is going to use to paint a canvas eventually. We chose the colors we did by bringing the comforter from the bed to pick our palette.

Enjoy our before and afters!


Hard to tell, but it’s a baby blue color on the walls before

This was Austin’s room. We don’t know who that was.

Our little helper, Delilah

I’m a Master Photobomber


Our newly painted white dresser and shelf

Helper Flynn – those doors will be taken down and outside to paint once it’s nicer.

Gee, where is Delilah?

And a shot with the comforter so you can see our color inspiration!






Face The Music Friday #25

Before I get into my fitness for the week, I wanted to describe the “game plan” I just started this week for my strength. I’m doing 4 sets of each exercise – 3 sets at max weight allowing me to get 8 reps, plus lowering the weight by 25% and doing the last set to failure. That is my goal for next week. This week was all about figuring out what weight works for me to be able to do that, so basically I did all 4 sets for 8 reps. Now on to the show…

Fitness this week:

Monday – Chest/back
Barbell Bench Press – 75 lb, Dumbbell Straight Arm Pullover – 15 lb, Push-ups – 4×10, Cable Mid Chest Crossovers – 10 lb, Cable Deadlift – 50 lb, Assisted pull-up – 135 lb, Cable Incline Bench Row – 35 lb, Close Grip Front Lat Pulldown – 30 lb

Tuesday – Run/walk 40 min

Wednesday – Shoulders/legs
Cable Front Raise – 10 lb, Cable 1 Arm Lateral Raise – 5 lb, Cable Reverse Fly – 5 lb, Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug – 25 lb (pair), Barbell Squat – 85 lb, Barbell Standing Calf Raises – 85 lb,  Leg Press – 90 lb, Farmer’s Walk – 25 lb (used pair of bumper plates in a pinch grip)

Thursday – Run/walk 40 min

Friday – Arms
Dumbbell Bicep Curl – 15 lb (pair), Cable Overhead Curl – 7.5 lb, Cable Reverse Curl – 15 lb, Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl – 20 lb, Assisted Dips – 85 lb, Cable High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension – 25 lb, Cable Kneeling Tricep Extension – 10 lb, Cable Tricep Kickback – 5 lb

I think the week went well overall. Definitely some new soreness from new movements, but nothing that doesn’t go away in a couple of days so that’s good. I’m more concerned about my hip and knee pain that is flaring up again, but trying to be proactive with it. I have too many races and too much training to get done before them to have this crap start up again.


Only semi-true…


Tomorrow is “big fun” day at Unleashed. Or my other name for it – “I’m gonna die in front of a million strangers” day. No, but seriously, I am excited to meet other NE Spahtens. I’m just concerned because I know that 1 hour of training there is tough. I can’t imagine what Kevin can throw in to a 3 hour session! That’s why I didn’t go on Thursday night this week.

Not much else going on so we’ll jump straight to the song for this week. I’m posting two videos of it. The first video is how I heard the song for the first time, which I then promptly downloaded. The second is the actual recorded version of it that I have on iTunes (even though the video is stupid).

Take Me Out – Atomic Tom










Spring Is In The Air

I feel like a change is happening. Something has shifted and this week, while already exhausting, has been filled with progress. I don’t know if it’s the daylight when I leave work that I get to drive home in, my reinvigorated workout routine or something else, but I’m glad it’s happening.


Stay away, Winter Storm Vulcan!!


Sunday started out the week on the right note by getting a race recap up, catching up on other’s blogs and emails and doing some meal planning and snack prep. I don’t know why we don’t do it every week. It makes life so much easier. I also registered for 8 more races for the year. I’m a little crazy. I can’t even describe how excited I am about the Spartan Race I’ll be running in FENWAY PARK!! Home of my beloved Red Sox. It’s gonna be epic!



Monday marked the start of my new strength routine that Dan gave me. I’ve mixed up muscle groups a little bit, plus days of the week, so I’m excited for the change. I am SORE after Monday’s workout and I’m sure I’ll feel today’s workout tomorrow (I’m usually 1-2 days behind on soreness).



Yesterday was a very busy day. I woke up at 3:45am and decided it wasn’t worth sleeping until the alarm went off at 4am. I went and did my run at the gym, came home, had my breakfast, got ready and then was out the door at 7am for my chiro appointment. That’s still going well and I’m pleased so far. We have a lot of work to do to “un-pretzel” my body, but it’s getting slightly better. She did find a nice, new, hugely painful area to release – my piriformis. She spent the whole appointment that morning working on each side – holy ouch, Batman!

After my chiro, I had a little bit before I had to be at work, so I went home real quick and dropped off my change of clothes and then headed off to work shortly after that. I’m not going to get into work lately except to say it sucks and leave it at that. Once I finished my work day, I hung out for an hour until 7pm and then drove up to East Providence for the monthly Rhode Island Road Runners meeting. We had a pretty small crowd last night, and not much to talk about, so we just kind of hung out and bullshitted. I left around 8:45 because I’m typically in bed at 9! Once I got home, changed and got myself set up for my workout this morning I think I ended up in bed at 9:30. Let’s just say my body didn’t wake up early this morning!

Today went pretty well. I got to switch shifts with someone so I got to leave at 5 instead of closing at 6. I gave blood at work which always makes me feel good. And the pièce de résistance was that supreme bully bitchface left early – any time without her in the department is a win for us all.

I’m hoping the rest of the week finishes out this way and I can continue on this upswing!





St. Pat’s 5K Race Recap

Yesterday I ran the St. Pat’s 5K in Providence. This was race #2 of my goal for at least #14in2014. We couldn’t have asked for more awesome weather for a race in March. It was a high of close to 50 and just pure sunshine!



You know I can’t resist a Zoolander gif when I have the opportunity to use one. Come on now, people!

Yesterday was very exciting for two reasons: 1) it was first race ever last year, which meant this was my first repeat race and chance to beat my original time and 2) since I walked it last year, and was run/walking this year, I knew I’d have an instant PR.



My walking time last year – 47:16. This year’s time – 37:08 (apparently I started my Garmin sooner than I needed to since it showed 37:13).



I love this course because the atmosphere is insane. People come out in droves to line the streets for the parade that starts at noon, right after the race ends. This means there are people all up and down the whole course cheering the runners on. It’s not a bad course, either. Pretty flat, with the exception of a massive uphill when you reach the turn-around through a neighborhood. It’s really just an out and back, with the exception of that neighborhood.


I’m in the hat and orange sleeves under my green shirt


You can see clearly in my splits where I did the majority of my walking. I was surprised at how fast I started out. It didn’t feel like I was running that fast because there are SO many people that come out to just walk the race so you spend the majority of the first half of the race weaving in and out of the walkers. Plus, I was only 5 minutes in to the race when the winner was coming back down, which meant everyone had to move over to the right to clear the left side of the road for the returning runners.



While I have to say I wish my endurance was back to where it was before my IT band injury, I’m not that upset with this race. I ran more then I expected to, so that made me happy. My knee was a little sore afterwards, but I will say that I never actually warmed up (ran out of time due to huge portapotty lines) and was too nervous and excited after the race to remember to stretch right away.

Why was I nervous and excited afterwards? Well – I was meeting my first ever fellow blogger! Alaina from The Jogging Concierge is trying to reach her goal of 30 races in 2014 and this was one of the races on her list. We arranged beforehand to try to meet up after the race so she stuck around with her parents to wait until I finished. She’s much quicker than me and finished around 30 minutes. She was just as nice in person as she sounds on her blog and it was a pleasure to meet her. You guys should go check out her blog when you have a sec and wish her luck on her 30 races!



My friend Julia that I work with was supposed to walk the race with another coworker of ours, but she texted Julia and said she wasn’t coming. Since Julia got caught in the traffic with the highway being closed right where she needed to get off, she ended up getting there really late and decided to just hang with Tara and watch the race instead of walking by herself. Once I crossed the finish line and found them, we met up with Alaina for a few minutes, then we decided to grab some lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.

When we got home, we were able to open the slider door for a little bit to get some fresh air in the house. We also took the cats outside for a few minutes to give them some “outside time” (they’re strictly indoor cats, but we have leashes for them).

I also got a nice little surprise in the mail – I feel official now!



I can’t wait until I receive the tech shirt I ordered as well and I’m really looking forward to this Saturday when I get to meet some of the group.

I’m off to get my butt in gear for the upcoming week. New strength training starts tomorrow, need to get some meal plans in place and I need to ready my snacks for work for the week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!







Face The Music Friday #24

It’s not even worth mentioning my fitness this week, but there it is:

I ran on Sunday and Tuesday.


I will say, Sunday’s run was my longest ever in distance. My recorded distance on my Garmin was 5.07 miles, (Runkeeper said 5.12 because I started it, zipped it in my pocket, then started my Garmin) but that doesn’t include the warm-up and cool down so it was probably somewhere close to 5 1/2. I’m still doing walk/run because I haven’t built my endurance back up to just running the whole time after my injury break.

I have a race tomorrow in Providence, the St. Pat’s 5K, that was my first ever road race last year. I’m excited to do it again because when I did it last year I had to walk it because I hadn’t fully healed from my hip strain. This year I’ll be running and you know what that means – instant PR!

I skipped Unleashed last night. But unlike the prior classes I missed, I didn’t actually have another commitment. I had such an awful day yesterday (and it’s been an awful week) that I made a last minute call and said I was going home after work. I know it probably would have helped me feel better, but I just couldn’t do it. I figure I’ll just work that much harder next week when they have NE Spahtens day and I go for the full 3 hour day.

I’m also working strength back in to my routine. Dan gave me another great list and I’ll be mixing things up again. This should get me through to the Tough Mudder since it’s less than 3 months away now. I also realized when I was working on my training spreadsheet that I had miscalculated weeks for the running plans I chose. When I corrected them, I realized I’ll be MUCH closer to half marathon distance by the TM, plus that means I’ll actually be at higher mileage already for the 10 Miler I was talking about doing at the end of April.

Let’s talk life, shall we?



Why yes, yes it does. My depression and anxiety is through the roof lately and I need to get it back under control. I felt AMAZING after my run on Sunday. I ran outside in the cool air and slight snow flurry and it felt awesome. I can’t wait to get back out there on the regular now that there are streets and sidewalks to run on with some snow melt and lack of ice.

Speaking of, we scored some great deals at the REI garage sale we went to last weekend. I got a pair of really nice Keen water shoes for kayaking for less than $20, a pair of Pearl Izumi gloves for the TM (and other OCR) for less than $10 and a Petzl headlamp for running for less than $15! Tara got a ton of clothes marked down as well. I think everything we got was on sale except for a fig bar she bought at the checkout. I also got some Clif Shot Bloks to try on my longer runs since I’ve never run far enough before to need to refuel mid-run.

In other news, I’m continuing with my chiro appointments and they’re going well. They’ve noticed some small improvements so far in my flexibility so that’s a start I guess.

I had a job interview this week internally at the company I already work for. It’s in a different department, but only across the hall from where I currently sit. It actually is a position that could lead to better advancements as well, versus where I am now which can’t really go anywhere. I feel like I tanked the interview, but I guess I’ll see what happens when second interviews come around.

And lastly…I’ll be going to 2 concerts this summer. Tickets are bought. Now we wait!





For the song this week, it’s fitting that I go with this one. I really need to do it.

Florence + The Machine – Shake It Out