Don't blink. Just run.

Where training meets fandom. And everything in between.

Face The Music Friday #26

on March 21, 2014

Fitness this week:

Saturday – Special class at Unleashed

Sunday – 4.5 mile/1 hour Run

Rest of the week: Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

I’ve taken a lot of ibuprofen over the last week and, other than my chiro-advised stretching and rolling, I’ve just completely rested. It wasn’t until about Wednesday that I was even able to move without moaning (whether actually out loud or not). My hip is still fairly sore, but much, much better than early in the week.





I’m going to attempt my run on Sunday and see how it feels. From there, I plan on bringing back the strength training at least and going to my weekly class at Unleashed on Thursday night.Β I can’t even begin to describe the frustration level I’m at right now. I know it’s affecting my mood and my depression is rearing it’s ugly head more often than I’d like.

This weekend, I’m hoping to enjoy myself and have lots of fun. We’re heading up to MA tonight to spend the weekend with Julie and Dan for an early birthday celebration for Julie. April 1st is the actual day, but we won’t be able to see them next weekend. I think we’re going to head in to the aquarium in Boston, but other than that we don’t really have tangible plans. We generally wing it when we get together. I’m hoping it helps take my mind off this training B.S.

Before I get to this week’s song, I wanted to share a fun article Tara wrote on her blog: You *might* be married to a runner if…

And now for my song of the week – a nice angry selection to match my mood right now – Bodies by Drowning Pool.











11 responses to “Face The Music Friday #26

  1. piratebobcat says:

    Good luck and get to feeling better!

  2. Heather says:

    UGH!!! Being injured during training is THE WORST. It’s so frustrating and I always feel so helpless. Hang in there, friend! I hope Sunday’s test run has you in better spirits and easing your way back soon.

  3. Yuck so sorry about the injuries, but you do need to heal up. Enjoy the weekend and try to relax and get your mind off of it. And just start back slowly and listen to the ole bod.

    • Courtney says:

      We’re gonna just veg out today with Julie and Dan and watch movies all day. It’s a perfect, rainy kind of day for that. Even better for relaxing and healing! πŸ˜‰

  4. d20girl says:

    Good job taking it easy to let it get better! It’s hard when you feel like you’re making progress, but a few days now will save you weeks or months later. ((Note: this is my advice to you; when I’m the one with an injury I’m full of excuses as to why I NEED to keep running, so trust me I know I’m a total hypocrite, πŸ˜‰ Hope it’s feeling better soon!

  5. Good song! Hope you feel better soon, have a great weekend!

  6. Great job listening to your body.

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