Don't blink. Just run.

Where training meets fandom. And everything in between.

Face The Music Friday #33

on May 9, 2014

Fitness this week:

Saturday – BoldrDash

Sunday – Volunteered at water stop at Cox Marathon (lots of fun and can’t wait to volunteer again!)

Monday – 30 min run + 10 min challenge*

Tuesday – Mowed lawn/weedwhacked

Wednesday – 30 min run

Thursday – 1 hr Unleashed OCF class

Friday – Rest

To elaborate a bit on this 10 minute challenge I created for myself, I decided I wanted some record of some sort of my  progress. I picked 5 exercises, trying to incorporate most of my body, and aimed to do them for 2 minutes each (with about a minute of rest between). However many I do, I write them down and try to improve on those numbers. The exercises are: Lunges (alternating), push-ups (on knees for now), kettlebell swings, burpees and planks (forearm). For the planks, I just held as long as I could throughout the two minutes. My numbers were as follows for the first time:

Lunges – 42
Push-ups – 30
KB swings – 50 (w/ 4K kettlebell)
Burpees – 5
Planks – 2 x 28 seconds

Things I’ve learned from doing this – don’t do it after you just ran for half an hour. I was gassed from my run so my legs weren’t fresh and I had no lungs left in me. For future challenges, I plan on doing them either before any other exercise, or on their own day. I wanted to do them more than once this week, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Now that I know what I know about it, I can plan more accordingly. Then maybe I won’t have such a pitiful showing on the burpees! As a frame of reference, we did burpees in class last night – one minute, as many as we could do. I lost count, but I’m 99.9% sure I almost made 15, so I know I can do more.

The craziness is still going on at work of course, but I feel like I had a better handle on it this week. I got back into a groove with my eating and my workouts and am slowly trying to get back to where I was in terms of my willpower. We had a breakfast meeting at work one day this week and LITERALLY every person in the department asked me why I wasn’t having any bacon. Not anything else, just the bacon. They know how much I love bacon. Then there were a few days with sweet treats left over from other meetings and all week long I said no. I’m through indulging myself so much. I just can’t do it anymore. I love bacon. Just putting that out there again on how hard that was.



The weather over the next couple of days isn’t looking great, which is a bummer. The rest of our May weekends are booked solid so we were looking forward to getting some hiking in this weekend with temps supposed to reach the 70s. Today and tomorrow look packed solid with rain though, so we’ll see. Maybe some house stuff Saturday and then hiking Sunday if there’s no washout.

I also need to try to fit in a longish run with my new Camelbak to get used to wearing it for Tough Mudder. I ended up returning the one I got at REI after I showed it to my trainer at Unleashed and he recommended a smaller one. I found pretty close to the one he was talking about, plus it has drainage in the pockets so the water can run out. I also got a couple of small dry bags at REI to put my snacks, etc in so when I get submerged they’ll still be fine and I got a cover for the valve so that even if it gets coated with mud, the valve will remain clean for drinking. This pack has a lumbar reservoir which evenly distributes the water across your lower back instead of up and down your spine. It’s so light, I can’t wait to test it out!

I’m going old school with my song choice this week. I’ve been hearing it a lot lately and every time I hear it, it makes me think of Supernatural now. I liked the song before, but oh, the feels I get from it now!



I thought it would be a nice touch to throw in something from another of my fandoms, which apparently I don’t talk about very much. So much for a blog “theme”. Anyway, if you watch the show, and even if you don’t, enjoy the song!

Kansas – Carry On Wayward Son






18 responses to “Face The Music Friday #33

  1. Jules says:

    Wow! Good job on the food choices. That’s SO hard!!!

  2. Mmmmm bacon. Seriously good job skipping that and with your food choices and exercise this week! I love me some Winchester Bros so Kansas is a staple and I always rock out like Dean when I hear it!

    • Courtney says:

      OMG I love Dean. Especially that extra cut he did of Eye Of The Tiger at the end of the credits – don’t remember which episode though. He’s my favorite.

      • osarah26 says:

        mmmm yes – That was Yellow Fever, the ghost sickness episode where Dean screams when the cat jumps out of the locker. I had to look the name up, but it is definitely a favorite.

  3. Mmmmm….. bacon!

    I’ve never run with a camelback. I’ll be interested in hearing what you think of your new one once you give it a test run!

    • HaHaHa!!! After my comment posted, I saw that Des had the exact same thoughts about bacon! 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Of course you had the same reaction – bacon is awesome!!

      I’ll definitely let you know. Other than a handheld, I’ve never run with anything like it – no belts or anything. That’s why I need these few weeks to get used to it! I’ll definitely keep you posted.

  4. haleyduke17 says:

    I hope the camelback works out for you. I can’t imagine running Tough Mudder with something on my back, especially during the obstacles where you have to crawl under barb wire.

    Nice job on the self control at work. I know that’s tough. Working in a restaurant, I was always tempted by sweets and goodies. Hard to say no when you know it’s so delicious.

    • Courtney says:

      I’ve done a lot of research and asked my trainer at the obstacle gym about it. Being that TM is between 10-12 miles, on a ski mountain, with probably only about 5 aid stations I know I’ll need something with me. I’m also slow, which works against me, because I’ve heard several people say that there is nothing left at those aid stations when they get there sometimes. I plan on packing extra water (obviously), some gels/bars and salt packets (for cramping).

      The pack I ended up getting has drainage holes in the storage pockets so the water won’t get trapped when I get submerged and it’s also a lower profile pack, plus I opted for the lumbar reservoir which will settle the weight around my waist instead of up and down my back to make me unbalanced. I can always take it off my back and push it ahead of me through any crawling obstacles, or take it off at the beginning, and backtrack to pick it up after I finish an obstacle. Anything going into water I’ll just keep it on and it can help with floatation, too.

      • haleyduke17 says:

        Sounds like you’ve thought this out pretty well. Good Luck!!! TM is a ton of fun. I loved the camaraderie between participants.

  5. Great workouts! I saw that gif and thought “awww, Adam”, great song choice! That reminds me of how behind I am this season. Great job avoiding the bacon, I can’t do that. Actually if it had been sausage, there is no way I avoid that, luckily the extent of my breakfast talent is cereal and a smoothie. I hope your gear works out!

    • Courtney says:

      This season has been OK. I think the first half was a little better than the second so far. The episode that was on a couple of weeks ago, the one for the back door pilot of Supernatural: Bloodlines, was awful. I didn’t like it at all and I’m glad they didn’t pick that up as a new show.

  6. Mmm… bacon! Do you prefer turkey bacon or pig bacon?

  7. hey, i’m a new reader 🙂

    i had some friends at work do a tough mudder and they had so much fun. i’m too afraid that i would break something 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

      I’m always afraid of breaking something. That’s why you see me crawling over obstacles verrrry slowly. LOL

  8. osarah26 says:

    Supernatural/Kansas feels… I can’t even. . Other bands that used to just be awesome but now create crazy Supernatural feels are Foreigner & Boston. Awesome song choice and I like the ten minute challenge you’ve created. I am a huge Supernatural fan – my husband and I were Sam and Dean for Halloween a few years back. (I was Dean, of course.)

    • Courtney says:

      That’s awesome that you were Sam and Dean! I love it!

      And that episode was amazing where Dean was so afraid of everything. It’s so funny because when the show started, I thought Dean was too intense and liked Sam better. After the first couple of seasons, I couldn’t stand Sam’s overacting and now LOVE Dean so much more.

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