Don't blink. Just run.

Where training meets fandom. And everything in between.

Face The Music Friday #18

on January 24, 2014

Fitness this week:

Saturday – Shoulder/Leg – all 3 sets of 12-15 plus 3 mile run for Meg’s Miles
Machine Shoulder Press – 15 lb, Barbell Incline Shoulder Raise – 20 lb, Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug – 25 lb, Barbell Squat – 75 lb, Barbell Standing Calf Raise – 75 lb, Farmer’s Walk (50 steps) – 40 lb, Abductor – 150 lb, Adductor – 150 lb

Sunday – Extra rest day (doubled up workouts on Saturday)

Monday – Chest/Tricep – all 3 sets of 12-15 plus 15 min Yoga
Dumbbell bench press – 15lb, Machine Fly – 70 lb, Dumbbell decline bench press – 15lb, Push-ups – 10, 8, 5 (no knees), Cable rope pushdown – 25 lb, “The Monster” – 20 lb, Machine assisted dip – 100 lb

Tuesday – Run/Walk 35 min

Wednesday – Shoveled snow for over an hour

Thursday – 35 min run/walk, 1 hr Obstacle Class @ Unleashed

Friday – rest

Another great week! I missed my workouts on Wednesday due to the snow we got (I think maybe 8 inches). I had to shovel everything out myself in the morning before work because poor Tara was up sick most of the night, then I shoveled some more when I got home to clean up what the plows had snuck back in. After all that business I didn’t feel like weights or yoga so I counted that as a workout. A well deserved title, if you ask me!



Not a whole lot going on this week other than my awesome chiropractor appointment. I am having a hard time typing today because of my obstacle class last night. It was a doozy and I was sweating buckets. Considering that when we first walked in the gym I had to keep my jacket on because it was so cold in there, I’d say I worked pretty hard.

The gym was fairly empty when I got there around 6:15. There was the normal kettlebell class going on, plus the Ultimate Conditioning class that’s always right before ours. Normally by this time, people start filtering in for the OCF class but I was the only one other than a guy who was already there before me. Then my coworker/teammate got there, plus one other girl. After Ultimate Conditioning ended and a few of them joined us, there ended up being a total of 6 people in the class – pretty low (typically we’ve had around a dozen on a Thursday night).

Since we had so few people, he mixed it up a bit on us. Kevin normally sets up stations for however many people are there and we just rotate through them for the hour long class. Last night, he set up kind of a mini obstacle course. He laid the plyoboxes and steps out in a jagged line so we hopped from one to the next across the gym this time. At the end of the plyoboxes was a TRX station that we needed to climb across on the monkey bars and then work our way back and back across the plyoboxes. After that was sled #1 that we pulled one way and pushed the other (instead of high push one way, low push the other) and then sled #2 that we pulled with the rope. Small walls were next, followed by large wall with rope then monkey bars.

We cycled through them once for about 2 minutes per station, then we cycled through a second time for about a minute per station and then we started doing what I like to refer to as “hell”. He had us all come over to the turf in the middle and start doing burpees, then one at a time he sent us through each obstacle rapid cycle (you did the first, moved right into the second and continued on). When person #1 got to the end of obstacle #1, he sent person #2. Unfortunately, we were the last two so we did a good amount of burpees waiting our turn to go! Once we’d all gone around once, he had us do it a second time. On these quick fire rounds, since I can’t do the walls, he had us attempt them, but then Spartan roll under the first two and military crawl under the last one (which I kind of enjoyed LOL).

So after all that torture, we’re done right? It’s time to cool down and stretch? Nope. How about you all take a 45 lb bumper plate, hold it straight up over your head and walk a lap around the gym. Sounds great. Oh wait, there’s more? Yes – let’s do 3 more minutes of burpees! Holy hell!! After that we finally got to stretch and call it a night. What a hell of a workout!



I am proud to say, however, that I’m SO close to conquering the first (6 ft) wall. I got even higher last night than I have before and even so close that I could have done the leg swing to get up and over, but I didn’t have that “oomph” to push my leg off the wall and upwards. I also figured out how I hurt my shoulder last week (and again last night) – the monkey bars. I can’t hang very well, so monkey bars are another weakness of mine, but when I attempted them for the first time last week, I think the weight of my body on a dead hang from one shoulder trying to swing to the next bar was too much. I improvised and just hung there to build up my grip strength and Kevin had me practice trying to flex just a little bit so not all of my weight is just on my shoulders, so I’ll keep practicing that.

For today’s little ditty to end my post, I chose one I just heard in the gym for the first time like two weeks ago. I normally have my headphones in at all times working out so I block out the same ol’ same ol’ that Planet Fitness plays over and over. However, they have TVs and speakers in the locker room as well, so when I took out my headphones this song was playing and I thought it was incredibly catchy so I came home and downloaded it. I have no idea when it came out, but it’s definitely a new favorite for me! Just try not to tap your toe…

Janelle Monae – Tightrope






11 responses to “Face The Music Friday #18

  1. Yankee Girl says:

    Shoveling snow definitely counts as a workout! It is hard work! It’s actually even included as a choice of exercise on Fitocracy…

  2. biz319 says:

    I did a boot class camp that was never ending – I would think we were FINALLY done, and then he’d have us run up the parking ramp which was 5 stories high!

    Love that song! Thanks for sharing – and have a great weekend!

  3. Holy cow what a killer session! Sounds like a fantastic week all around! Even with the snow!

  4. Taryn says:

    Man oh man, I feel so lazy compared to you. Way to go! Killer exercise session!

  5. I think shoveling is a huge workout and you have been doing amazing getting them in when the weather has been so bad.

  6. OMG the class sounds amazing. Sounds like nothing I could do, but sounds amazing! I could barely get through some of the “softer” obstacles at things in the past, so I am way jealous of you skills. Keep it up!

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